Few print screens you can see down:

I was searching initially for updating maps, but I was looking for be minimal invasive for system too.
In my search I found a patch like that which include a player videos, photos and other few staffs. Personally, I was thrilled to easily install / uninstall the application without traces, and is compatible with the latest OS/firmware versions.
Later I found a bug and fixed but also improved bit by bit and translated in few languages so far. And so slowly this patch become a success for many people because is not complicate and offer graphic interface for mostly useful commands used for update maps in MediaNav. Seeing that the interest arrived also in this part of the world I decided to present also here my last issued version Super Mod 4.0.
This version besides fixing also some bugs it coming with optimization for navigation skins. It will be updated in future in function by my free time and if I will find some more interesting and useful things.
What I recommend before any modification in MediaNav it's good to make Backup of all unit in original form, but at least Storage Card, Storage Card2 and Storage Card4 and save it using the tools from here:
or here:
It was proved that was useful in many situations. It will be good also to save a fingerprint of original version.
Super Mod applies to both MediaNav MN1 Standard and MediaNav MN2 Evolution, but not for MN3 Evolution 2.0.
Common archive for USB
This archive contains the folders for keep on USB stick for allow run external navigations as iGO8 and 7ways. There are 2 versions of 7ways for test. One is starting faster.
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To use gps 7ways with igo8 French language of the Common archive for USB language copy paste both gps 7ways with igo8 on your usb key of this tutorial viewtopic.php?f=151&t=2980
MediaNav MN1 Standard
Download from down the Super Mod for OS versions from 4.0.3 to 4.1.0 (at least you must have 4.0.3 installed).
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MediaNav MN2 Evolution
Download from down the Super Mod Evolution for OS versions from 6.0.3 to 9.1.3 (at least you must have 6.0.3 installed)
Section téléchargement, voir en bas de cette page
Unzip the. rar file and the resulting file called "upgrade.lgu", put it in a USB formatted in FAT32, plus photo folders, IGO8, 7ways and video clips from USB archive. If you want you can update maps and navigation files too with this because it's including also a TTCMD.
I started the engine in the event that the battery was discharged, I put the USB stick and in my case appeared to accept the installation of Super Mod Evolution, I accepted the installation, start installing some lines and restart MediaNav (do not remove the USB), after restarting the installation is asking to chose a language. If you cancel it will continue with English version, if you chose one language it will continue in that language and after that continues with a initialization and wait to restart again. You can now start the Super Mod by clicking on the top phone icon that appears next to watch or click directly on date. A new feature if you have DBoot installed, the Super Mod is starting also sliding the finger horizontally on screen. As well sliding finger vertically on screen is starting the video player.
By default on MN1 Standard version only, Super Mod will install alone DBoot for secure the unit, due fact in last time more and more this kind of units I receive for fix it.
Once installed, Super Mod, you can with Total Commander, delete from USB the file Upgrade.lgu, so it will not ask you to install it again every time you read the USB.
What I liked was that it was desirable to uninstall the Super Mod to go to a revision, it could be easy and the screen returned to normal without any other icons.
From the Super Mod mode, the screen slides up, new icons appear, and click on Uninstall button and accept it. A 15s counter appears and wait finish. Finally, the Super Mod is uninstalled and restart itself and now the unit is clean again.
Update 2019.10.01:
I receive some requests for have this application in dual language switchable at desire. So following this request I update the Super Mod at version 4.1c which now for moment includes 12 languages which can be changed online: Romanian, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Greek, Turkish, French, German, Portuguese, Arabic and Bosnian. If there is someone who wants help with translation in other language, please write and with help of RGMaster3 I will give you the files for translation, and I will be happy include it.
Also at other request I include an application for car diagnostic HobDrive. In little time have it for test, I can't manage to connect this application to my car, but I continue try.
If someone find a bug or mistakes in translation please let me know and I will try fix it.
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Who like or don't leave a feedback to know for what.
I hope to like it as much I like. Enjoy

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Super Mod 4.1c MN1 Media nav Standard
Super Mod 4.1c MN2 Media nav Evolution
Super Mod 4.1c (USB)